Creating a safe and
secure cyberspace
for people around the world
We create a cyberspace
that people around the world can use it safely and securely

Dedicated LP to help those who are under cyber attack

Japanese security manufacturer
providing peace of mind
through in-house development and support

Cyber security cloud
has protected numerous Japanese websites
pioneering the field of web security. 

Remote work and digital transformation (DX) are advancing rapidly,
enhancing global convenience; 
 however, the escalation of cyber threats is a growing concern.

By leveraging world-class cyber threat intelligence and AI technology,
we enable everyone to utilize cyberspace with confidence.
We will continue to provide services of global quality.


Shadankun No. 1 in sales share and number of companies using the product*
Cloud-based WAF

Shadankun is equipped with advanced AI defense technology.
A security service that protects your website.

* Source: Deloitte Tohmatsu Mic Economic Research Institute “Current status and future outlook of external threat countermeasure solution market 2023” published on February 21, 2024


WafCharm Automated operation service
 eliminates the hassle of WAF installation

It is an all-in-one service for WAF operation that incorporates the setting of optimal defense rules for your company and daily vulnerability countermeasures.


AWS WAF Managed Rules
We provide WAF rules of global standards
to more than 90 countries 
around the world.

As a Japanese manufacturer, we are one of only 7 companies in the world
that provide WAF rulesets on AWS.

aws marketplace
AWS WAF Managed Rules

SIDfm Vulnerability Information Collection and Evaluation​ ​
can be done automatically
by our Management service

SIDfm is a vulnerability management service that can dramatically reduce the burden of vulnerability countermeasures on companies.


CloudFastener Fully Managed AWS security
24 hours a day / 
365 days a year

We comprehensively manage and operate cybersecurity
in accordance with your AWS environment.


CloudFastener Fully Managed AWS security
24 hours a day / 
365 days a year

We comprehensively manage and operate cybersecurity
in accordance with your AWS environment.


Vulnerability Assessment Service With over 25 years of
experience and know-how,
we offer a Vulnerability Assessment Service.

Manual diagnosis by security experts and
Hybrid diagnostics combining tool diagnostics
we conduct "broad and deep" diagnostics.

Vulnerability Assessment Service

Cyber Security Cloud provides services to many customers from small and medium enterprises to large enterprises.

Shimizu Corporation All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. ANA SBI SECURITIES United Corporation UNITED PARCO PARCO Pioneer SB Human Capital Sompo Risk Management Fan Communications Inc. FANCOMI Kyokuyo Co., Ltd.

IR information

IR information

For the latest information, read the management information and future guidelines.



We are looking for members who sympathize with the philosophy of "creating a safe and secure cyberspace that people around the world can use" and who will work together to deliver the social infrastructure of the new era to the world.