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Cyneural, WAF Technology with AI

Cyneural, WAF Technology with AI

In this article we will try to understand how our technology works, Cyneural, and why this technology will be a key technology to defend any kind of WebApp.
Although nowadays it is unquestionable that in the real world, having a WAF in your WebApp is needed 100% due to the interconnection between WebApps, some people still remain undecidable to use a WAF in their WebApp. So we pretend to explain how our Cyneural WAF works and help developers and companies to decide using this WAF technology to protect their WebApp.

Why WAF in AI?
What about SIGNATURE BASED DETECTION? Is it not enough? It is a rotund NO!
The interconnectivity of any WebApp and the evolves of the amount of devices connected to the internet increases the quantity of attacks may affect your system, so evolving algorithms for your WAF is necessary, now it is when Artificial Intelligence comes into play.

Nowadays these buzzy words were used in the industry: ‘Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, DNN’. But those words, what does they mean?
We are not going to start a discussion about what those words mean, I will try to dig in the next article about our technology and how this technology can generate a secure WAF, those terms are wide and hard to defined properly so instead to start a eternal fight, let’s begin with a quick explanation about how our technology works and how our WAF evolves with the time.

As many machine learning technology, it has three steps which have to be analysed:
-data processing, training, evaluation.

All the steps are important, if one fails all the process will be in vain. On the other hand, for the case we are dealing with, WAF technology, errors will generate bad consequences for the WebApp. A tiny break in our wall will generate devastating consequences in our WebApp.